Submit a Guest Post

Interested in contributing to the Early Career Ecologists blog?

Well, clicking on this page was the first step!

To become a guest blogger, contact us directly ( with the following information:

  • Name
  • Affiliation
  • Status (MS, PhD student/candidate, post-doc, early career scientist, etc)
  • Research highlights (one or two sentences, please)
  • Your first blog write-up (and some ideas for future blog posts)

All submitted posts will be reviewed by our ‘Early Career Ecologist’ team. A group decision will be made on the accessibility and appropriateness of the post. We are interested in a variety of topics, but we do hope for some consistency in the ‘voice’ (or writing style) of the posts. To get an idea of our style, please check out our posted work.

In general, we strive for a more informal approach (think: less scientific journal and more conversational). Our goal in blogging is to make our work accessible to anyone interested in ecology (including, for example, a high school science teacher or atmospheric scientist), while also maintaining the Science behind it all. We also strive for a communicative, personal tone. Our bloggers are interesting people, each with their own voice. We like to ‘see’ that in our posts.

To help you settle into the groove of writing and eliminate the stress of any deadlines, new contributors will start off as ‘Guest Bloggers.’ Writing and blogging can then progress from there!

Thanks for your interest! We look forward to adding contributors from many more organizations and universities – young scientists studying an even more diverse array of species and systems and coming from all across the globe.

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