Trees on the Move? Debating Assisted Migration in Climate Change Mitigation

Tree Crossing. Borrowed from Clint Peters.

Tree Crossing. Borrowed from Clint Peters.

By Sarah Bisbing

Trees on the move?! I know you’re thinking, “Come on, Sarah. Trees can’t move.” And, generally, you would be correct in that statement. Tree species are now, however, in a position where movement may be necessary for survival under changing climatic conditions. How trees will move is under debate within the ecological community, but why trees will move is accepted as a survival strategy related to the adaptation of species. Continue reading

Embracing other perspectives to aviod tunnel vision in your research

Cows grazing near aspen in MPB-killed lodgepole pine forest.

By Kristen Pelz

This past summer, I attended a meeting about aspen ecology and management. I presented my thoughts about how aspen (Populus tremuloides) will respond to widespread lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) mortality caused by mountain pine beetle (MPB) (Dendroctonus ponderosae). I was nervous and excited to present to a small group of accomplished scientists and high-level managers from around the country. I thought I had a complete theory about why aspen had not increased in the way we had expected following a 1980s MPB outbreak that I studied for my Master’s thesis. But, meeting and talking with many people really broadened my perspective and reminded me—once again—about the importance of avoiding tunnel vision in research. Continue reading

Early Career Ecologist Profile: Meet Sarah Bisbing

I study trees. I’m an ecologist. Oh, wait. I’m a scientist.

This is something I remind myself of nearly every day. And yet, this statement still catches me off guard at times. Let me tell you a bit about myself, and you’ll understand why.

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Early Career Ecologist Profile: Meet Kristen Pelz

Hi, everyone – I’ve written a couple posts, but I need to introduce myself.

Like many of you, my academic/professional interest in ecology is intertwined with my upbringing and appreciation for the natural world. Continue reading

Shifting climate, altered niche, & a dynamic conservation strategy for PNW yellow-cedar

Yellow cedar (Callitropsis nootkatensis) decline on west Chicagof Island in southeast Alaska. Photo courtesy of Paul Hennon, USFS, 2012.

By Nate Hough-Snee

Yellow-cedar (Callitropsis nootkatensis) has been rapidly declining across Central British Columbia (BC) and Southeast Alaska (AK) for the last couple decades. Continue reading